While we can’t all be blessed with the big sister who fills our imagination with tales of pirates and fairies or the older brother who will stop at nothing to make sure we get into that nerd college and go after what we love, most of our sibling match-ups could certainly be worse. Let us take a moment and peruse the windows down ‘Disney’s-Most-Obnoxious-Siblings’ Lane, followed quickly by a call to our own siblings thanking them for not throwing us into a gorge or dismembering all of our dolls.

1. Scar

We’ve heard of jealous revenge, but yeesh.

2. Harris, Hubert & Hamish

Okay so they didn’t throw anyone in a gorge, but these brothers are like three whirling balls of terror.

3. Anastasia & Drizella

Envy doesn’t look good on anyone ladies. Cinderella is great. Get over it.

4. Hades

Alright so this one might kind of make sense. Big brother gave you the crud gig. We’d be salty too. Not like, break-the-Titans-free-and-loose-them-on-all-of-humanity salty but hey, to each his own.

5. Sid

I mean braces made us a little crazy too, but not in the dismembering of your little sister’s dolls kind of way…

6. Hopper

Exhibit A: The I’m-Above-You Complex. Symptoms: Unwarranted wasting of food, general bullying, belittling, demeaning, and grimacing facial expressions toward any other living thing. Suggested treatment: Stay away from large hungry mother birds.

7. Prince John

Someone needs to seriously find this kid brother a hobby. Biking, baking, barrel racing; literally anything is better than taxing people for fun.

8. Huey, Dewey & Louie

Charming? Yes. Clever? Yes. A complete and total pain in Donald’s neck? Absolutely. No, these 3 brothers never bring any serious harm to Donald or the rest of the Duck clan, but they sure have a knack for making a mess of things.

9. Si & Am

Here is a pair that makes no logical sense whatsoever. To our knowledge, these siblings have had no prior history with Lady or her humans, therefore making their antics of home demolition, ones derivative of pure evil.

Have more obnoxious sibling Disney favorites? Let us know in the comments below!